Hooray ! The hour glass is back
Hooray and new beginnings indeed! I take my hat off to Vogue for an astounding summer edition in focusing on true women's shape and celebrating them curves!
As I'm sure I have ranted about on several occasions I get a buzz from fashion and love this time of year when the glossy mags start to give you a sneak peek as to what is in store for the autumn/winter collections.
These are both my favourite seasons aswel as my favourite time on the fashion calender.
This year to my delight I notice the header ''shape shifters, the new silhouette'
Now I'm not going to bang on about the size 0 debate as I understand both sides of the argument, as a designer you create clothing as a form of artwork and you want it to hang effortlessly which, doesnt always happen when boobs and hips get in the way ... however ... I dont agree with the unhealthy image it portraits especially as the fashion follower seems to get younger by the year. Now having said all that, I myself as a designer would see it more as a challenge to create beautiful clothing that would emphasise the beauty that is the female form, and celebrate those said bumps of boobs and hips.
There are some woman in this world that pay thousands to acquire those curves, so if your like me and have them... then make the most of them!!
So I am delighted, well more than that this year it seems that for once the industry is designing in our favour. Pencil skirts and the classic wiggle dress in abundance and I for one I am soooooooooo excited to see these lines filtering down on the high street and see what goodies I can find.
Now with every positive always comes a negative and as much as I am excited to see this trend unfolded, I am also wary, this image and style has a true dedicated following of vintage sirens and I would hate to see this scene loose its edge by it becoming the norm.
I shall look forward to sharing a secret smile with those dedicated woman of this look, for us, this is a way of life and not a passing trend .. and to you I salute you!
Let us show them how its done :)