Sunday, 18 July 2010

Photoshoot for the Customs House Gallery

New Frayed Textiles Hair Accessories
After stuffing our faces with divine cakes and plenty of tea me and Zan turned to do some work.
Both our collections are doing well at the Customs House gallery, however we have been asked to provide some imagery to push sales. I think these will make a lot of difference to my sales as you are able to see how they look on.
Again Zan's camera did a marvelous job and she was a great model! Im really happy with how these few have came out.
Im now working hard on my new collection of accessories inspired from my recent trips and hopefully they will be ready in time for the Vintage fair that hits Newcastle in September.
Look out for us! xx

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! Those hair accessories are gorgeous looking. =D

