As you have probably noticed iv become a little obsessed with my new camera .. i love the rustic look it gives images and i have become a little bit snap happy. Last night i saw the strangest thing in the sky .. sat in my window spot pondering over recent events i noticed the birds in the sky moving around in an odd formation. Something iv never noticed before but found myself in a trance watching them swooping in clusters then fanning out and closing into clusters again .. such a strange but amazing sight. Looked as though they were all tied together by string and being pulled out across the sky and then instantly pulled back together tight .. i grabbed my camera to snap the scene before they disappeared. iv later discovered that these are starlings and the flocks fly in such a manor to distract potential pr editors.
- '' visualise a bird has to have a zone around it to fly and it don't want to be on the edge.when the bird near it moves to the centre of the swarm to stop being on the edge.the new bird that's exposed whether it be from the side above or below that bird will then move to gain cover in the swarm.hence the shapes you get and the sudden change in direction of the swarm you see in the sky.''
i find this quite fascinating and its very peaceful to watch.
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