Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Amelie .. moi? ... merci! x

So as I mentioned I got the barnet chopped today, nothing too drastic just a wee change.
Now that Iv decided to grow out the mad moment shaved head thing, I felt I needed a new cut that would disguise it so I can grow it out in secret.
I have always loved my hair in a bob, even though it makes me feel 5 years old again, or maybe that is why I like it?
So iv said hello to a new bob and fringe, when playing around with my new camera app on my phone I discovered a green tone lens and I do like the pics and as they came out it reminded me of one of my fav french films ... Amelie!
Now I wish I looked like Audrey Tautou .. but we cant have everything can we girls !? :)

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