Saturday, 21 January 2012

ooops where did that time go ....

Firstly I'd like to apologise for the lack of posts and quite simply looking like I've fallen off the face of the earth ... not quite more fell over the border .... eventually! so I guess these next few posts are more a catch up. I seem to have acquired 5 new followers so to you ladies, welcome to my ramblings I hope you enjoy them.

So since my last post was in August ( eeek! sorry) this is a quick round up of what happened and hopefully you will see how I've not had time to sit down.
So seemingly last time I wrote I was still off work with my broken foot and slowly getting cabin fever and looking forward to returning to work ... for what was only a short time as when I returned I was given those horrid words of ''possible redundancies'' . . I escaped this but what I was offered made it almost impossible to stay so alas I found myself back at home and jobless.
I'm an avid believer in fate and how everything is mapped out for you, you just have to follow it through and after these last few months I'm an even bigger believer.

if i hadn't broke my foot, i wouldn't have been off work for so long, and wouldn't have had that time to hammer the Scottish job sites and apply to everything I found and then wouldn't have lost my job through my sickness level ....
but that is exactly what happened and within a week of leaving said place of work I was offered a an interview and then a job in my beloved Edinburgh.
FINALLY after a year of trying it all started to slot into place, so me being me and not doing things by halves had 2 weeks to say goodbye to my home town and friends and move over the border to start my new life ... and just in time for the new year ...
yes I must be mad to move my entire life 2 weeks before Christmas but that is what I did and somehow managed to pull off without too much stress.

So now my ramblings come to you from the lovely city of Edinburgh and I'm glad to say within days I felt totally and home and just wished id been able to do it sooner.

lets see what mischief I find myself in, in this town :)


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