With the big sis living in London town I don't get to see her as much as I would like, and now I've moved I've added at least another 3 hours onto that journey its making it harder.
So after being able to surprisingly join her at my Mum's for New year while she was in the north east she took the train North and came to spend a few days in Edinburgh.
Sadly I had to work and well anyone that knows my Sister knows she's not an early riser so my few hours a day I got with her were limited but nice. Naturally we abused her hair dressing tool kit and she changed my hair for me, I'd grown tired of being a redhead as much as I liked it I felt like going natural again so I am for the time being a brunette again and quite content.
These photos were taken outside a lovely little bar I've found in the city called Monteiths.
Only noticeable by the bundle of fairy lights that guide you down a wicker tunnel, again lit by fairy lights and in to a warm and cosy bar with chesterfield arm chairs and yummy cocktails.
I shall definitely be heading back there again soon.
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